
Upcoming Nutrition Challenge: May 20 – July 1
By Meghan Gehle | May 9, 2017
The weather is heating up and so are the WODs… that means it’s time for another nutrition challenge at C/S! But get ready because we’re shifting our gears to bring you a program tailor-made to deliver results. How, you ask? Do you ever participate in clean eating challenges only to fall off a few short weeks…

A Few Days Left to Sign Up for the Open and Clean Eating Challenge… Plus the Newest Addition to the C/S Family!
By Meghan Gehle | February 25, 2016
Kicking off this Thursday with the warmest of welcomes to Hudson Miedler Adams, who arrived early this morning at 2:56 a.m. at 6 pounds, 2 ounces. We are SO EXCITED for Coach Dawn and Andrew’s newest addition to the C/S family! (This kid is going to the CF Games someday for sure…have you seen Mom…

2016 Winter Clean Eating Challenge and CrossFit Open!
By Meghan Gehle | February 10, 2016
Some very exciting things happening in February/March, starting with… The 2016 CrossFit Sausalito Winter Clean Eating Challenge! February 27-April 9 We are kicking off 2016 with six weeks of focused attention on nutrition, fitness, mobility, hydration, sleep, and meditation! Not only will this be a fantastic opportunity for all of us to focus on clean eating and…