Athlete of the Month

Coming Soon – Athlete of the Month!
By Chris Monroe | July 11, 2018
Coming soon we will be choosing one athlete each month as our CrossFit Sausalito Athlete of the Month! As coaches, we love witnessing all of your accomplishments, and we decided it is time to start acknowledging and celebrating them! Have you been coming in consistently day-in and day-out? Did you finally get your first double-under?…

February Athlete of the Month: Clara Nagy!!
By Chris Monroe | February 7, 2018
Our February “Athlete of the Month” is impressive on so many levels. Regardless of her crazy work schedule (you should ask about her travel), and planning a wedding in Mexico in a few short weeks, Clara Nagy is a constant at our 6AM and 8AM advanced classes. She is a perfect example of putting your…

January Athlete of the Month: Rick Dodder
By Chris Monroe | January 5, 2018
Our January “Athlete of the Month” could not be more appropriate as he could easily be named our 2017 Athlete of the Year! Rick Dodder started at CrossFit Sausalito three years ago, and since that time has completely transformed himself. While many of us were using the holidays as an excuse to take some time…

December Athlete of the Month: Jessica Bennett
By Chris Monroe | December 8, 2017
Our December “Athlete of the Month” was an easy choice for the coaches, as Jessica Bennett’s performances each month are consistent and always impressive. Don’t let her small physique, quiet presence, and friendly smile fool you. As soon as 3, 2, 1 is called, Jess is off to the races and is sure to destroy…

November Athlete of the Month: Beale Harrison
By Chris Monroe | November 6, 2017
Beale Harrison, our November “Athlete of the Month”, is a force to be reckoned with. When Beale and his wife, Melissa, joined CrossFit Sausalito in July I knew they were ready to kick-start their fitness routine, and have they ever! Beale has quietly been RXing more WOD’s, and slowly climbing the SugarWod Whiteboard. His impressive…