WOD (Workout of the Day)
WOD: May 11, 2016
By Meghan Gehle | May 12, 2016
12-Minute EMOM:
Even: 10 Ring Rows
Odd: Max Set Strict Toes-to-Bar
“Little Mary”
10-Minute AMRAP:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pistols
15 Pullups
WOD: May 12, 2016
By Chris Monroe | May 11, 2016
10-Minute EMOM:
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch
10-Minute Ascending AMRAP:
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…)
DB Manmakers (45/25)
100m Run
WOD: May 11, 2016
By Chris Monroe |
12-Minute EMOM:
Even: 10 Ring Rows
Odd: Max Set Strict Toes-to-Bar
“Little Mary”
10-Minute AMRAP:
5 Handstand Pushups
10 Pistols
15 Pullups
WOD: May 10, 2016
By Meghan Gehle | May 10, 2016
Partner WOD:
In Teams of 2, For Time:
60 Front Squats (115/75)
Partner 200m Run
60 Shoulder-to-Overhead
Partner 200m Run
60 Pushups
Partner 200m Run
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
Partner 200m Run
60 Toes-to-Bar
Partner 200m Run
60 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
*Work may be partitioned however team chooses, but must be completed in order. Only one partner works at a time while other partner is resting, except for run, which is done together.
WOD: May 9, 2016
By Meghan Gehle | May 9, 2016
Strict Press
5×5 (Progressive)
For Time:
50 Double Unders
5 Clean and Jerks (175/125)
40 Double Unders
4 Clean and Jerks
30 Double Unders
3 Clean and Jerks
20 Double Unders
2 Clean and Jerks
10 Double Unders
1 Clean and Jerk