WOD (Workout of the Day)
WOD: November 4, 2016
By Meghan Gehle | November 7, 2016
20-Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: Row 100 Meters
Minute 2: 5 Deadlifts @ 80% 1RM
Minute 3: 40 Seconds Double Unders
Minute 4: 25 Abmat Situps
WOD: November 3, 2016
By Meghan Gehle |
Back Squat
3×10 (Progressive)
12-Minute AMRAP:
100m Farmer’s Carry (50/35 DB or 53/35 KB)
20 Floor Wipers (total) (135/95)
10 Power Cleans
WOD: November 2, 2016
By Meghan Gehle |
For Time:
150 Wall Balls (20/14)
Superset 5x (Progressive):
5 Pendlay Rows
5 Floor Presses
WOD: November 1, 2016
By Meghan Gehle | November 1, 2016
Strict Press
6×2 @ 85% 1RM
For Time:
Buy-in: Ebbtide Run
Then 5 Rounds:
25 KB Swings (53/35)
10 Thrusters (95/65)
Cashout: Ebbtide Run
WOD: October 31, 2016
By Meghan Gehle |
“Halloween Chipper!”
For Time:
10 Burpee Pullups
31 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
10 Handstand Pushups
31 Box Jumps
10 Burpee Pullups
31 Front Squats
10 Handstand Pushups
31 MB Situps (20/14)