WOD (Workout of the Day)
WOD: January 12, 2017
By Chris Monroe | February 2, 2017
For Time:
30 Hang Power Snatches (115/75)
100 Hand Release Pushups
30 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
Then 3 Rounds Not for Time:
20 Plate Situps
20 Plate Russian Twists
20 Leg Raises
WOD: January 11, 2017
By Chris Monroe |
Superset 3x:
3-10 Ring Dips
3-10 Strict Pullups
18-Minute EMOM:
Minute 1: 20 Double Unders
Minute 2: 20 KB Swings (53/35)
Minute 3: 30 Seconds Max Squat Clean Thrusters (115/75)
*Score is total number of squat clean thrusters.
WOD: January 10, 2017
By Chris Monroe | January 10, 2017
(Linking, Kipping, etc.)
For Time:
“Curtis P” (95/65)
Floor Wipers/side
1 “Curtis P” =
1 Power Clean
1 Front Rack Lunge R
1 Front Rack Lunge L
1 Push Press
WOD: January 9, 2017
By Chris Monroe |
10-Minute EMOM:
Even: 12/9 Calories Rowing
Odd: 5 Front Squats @ 70% 1RM
10-Minute AMRAP:
9 Air Squats
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
3 Burpee Pullups
WOD: January 7, 2017
By Chris Monroe |
“Deck of Cards”
In Teams of 3, for Time:
Spades: KB Swings
Clubs: Mountain Climbers (total)
Hearts: Hand Release Pushups
Diamonds: MB Situps (20/14)
Joker: Ebbtide Run
*Each team will have one deck of cards. The suit corresponds to the movement; the number corresponds to the number of reps. Ace is worth 11 reps. All team members must complete the set and the next card isn’t drawn till all members have completed it. Time is called when the deck is complete.
“James Wright”
For Points in 20 minutes:
Overhead Squat (10 points)
Thruster (5 points)
Squat Clean (3 points)
Deadlift (1 point)
Perform all movements with a (135/95) barbell.
Perform any combination of the prescribed movements as many times as possible, to accumulate as many points as possible. Count reps of each movement during the workout. Calculate score by multiplying reps by points for each movement and totaling them all.