WOD (Workout of the Day)
WOD: August 30, 2017
By Chris Monroe | August 31, 2017
For Time:
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead
10 Pistols/side
4 Shoulder-to-Overhead
8 Pistols/side
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
6 Pistols/side
2 Shoulder-to-Overhead
4 Pistols/side
1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
2 Pistols/side
Cashout: 800m Run
*No racks
Then 3 Rounds Not for Time:
30 Hollow Rocks
Max Plank Hold
WOD: August 29, 2017
By Chris Monroe | August 29, 2017
Bench Press
6 Rounds, Every 2 Minutes:
5 Bench Press
15-Minute AMRAP:
5 Front Squats (165/115)
7 Burpees Over Bar
9 KB Swings (70/53)
WOD: August 28, 2017
By Chris Monroe |
Superset 5x:
3 Deadlifts @ 85%
10 Pushups or Deficit Pushups
For Time:
Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
Chest-to-Bar Pullups
*100m Run
WOD: August 26, 2017
By Chris Monroe | August 26, 2017
In Teams of 3, for Time:
3k Row
200 Wall Balls
100 Pullups
*Team members may split the work however they choose.
22-Minute AMRAP:
22 Wall Balls (20/14)
22 Power Snatches (75/55)
22 Box Jumps (24/20″)
22 Push Press
22 Calorie Row
WOD: August 25, 2017
By Chris Monroe |
Every 2 Minutes, for 10 Minutes:
3 Back Squats
Every 2 Minutes, for 10 Minutes:
3 Front Squats
Every 2 Minutes, for 10 Minutes:
2 Split Jerks