2016 Winter Clean Eating Challenge and CrossFit Open!
By Meghan Gehle | February 10, 2016
The 2016 CrossFit Sausalito Winter Clean Eating Challenge! February 27-April 9
We are kicking off 2016 with six weeks of focused attention on nutrition, fitness, mobility, hydration, sleep, and meditation! Not only will this be a fantastic opportunity for all of us to focus on clean eating and lifestyle habits that will fuel our hard work at the box… but for the first time ever at C/S, participants will have the option of getting their body composition analysis at the beginning and end of the challenge! We are having a hydrostatic body fat truck come to the gym for those who would like their body fat tested. (A signup sheet for appointments will be at the box.) The cost for the test is $49 for the initial test and $39 for the retest. The cost to participate in this challenge is free. Email meghan@crossfitsausalito.com if you’re in! And don’t forget to bookmark our smokin’ new website (crossfitsausalito.com) for Challenge updates, blog postings, and tips from your coaches throughout the challenge!
The CrossFit Open
The CrossFit Open season is upon us with the first of five weekly workouts being announced on Thursday, February 25! Come join a team of CrossFit Sausalitans of all levels (14 athletes strong so far and growing!) in a weekly test of fitness that CrossFit gyms from around the globe will be participating in. For more information and to register, go to games.crossfit.com. Pick CrossFit Sausalito as your affiliate and team!
Limited schedule on Monday, February 15th, President’s Day: 9:15 and noon only!
As always, keep crushing those WODs and stay #sausalitostrong. 😀
Categories: Challenges News & Events